Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Record of the Fallen Vampire

Think about this.

A Vampire king who betrayed his county, his people, his kin *insert ta ta ta TAN music here*. The reason
thousands of years ago the world was almost destroied by the vampire queen after she unlished her powers.
Humans tried to stop her but they only manged to seal her off. Now he the great vampire king searches and
destories the dummy seals in serarch for his queen. But he is not the only one in search for the vampre queen.

Welcome to the world of "Vampire juuju Kai" Or Record of the Fallen Vampire.

This is a very interesting story. not that I love vampires trying to review here I'll try not to spoil it
But I do really recomend you read this pease of art work. You will be like "Woo I did not see that comming" when
you read along the chapters.

I recomend you stick with it, the beguining my be a little slow but I garatee it would get awesomer and awesomer
as the chapter and the story progesses.

There stuff I wish to say about this manga but if I do i will spoil it so I will restain myself *and my inner fan girl
she is currently been held back at gun point :evil grin:*

Over all I abosulutly tell you to check this manga out.