Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wolf's Rain

Wolf’s Rain

Studio: BONES

US Licensor: Bandai Entertainment

Director: Tensai Okamurta

Writer: Keiko Nobumoto

Gender: Adventure, Post-apocalyptic, supernatural

Episode Length: 26

Wolf’s Rain is one of the anime series I love with all my heart. It tells the story of four lone wolves, Kiba, Tsume, Hige and Toboe. They cross paths following the scent of the Lunar flowers. They form a pack and decide to seek out the Flower Maiden (Cheza) in order to open the way to paradise. Along the way, they most avoid a fanatical wolf hunter and the nobles who wish to use the Flower Maiden to create their own paradise.

The story is set on a Post-apocalyptic world. Humans Live in what they call domes because the outside world is practically inhabitable. The story in the anime goes that when the world is at its end, as the anime puts it “From the Great Spirit was born the wolf, and man became its messenger” the wolf is the only one who can find paradise and fix the dying Earth. Except that wolves are believe to be extinct, but like everything that is not true. The wolves where clever enough to stay low and fool the human eye into believing that they too are human by assuming that form.

The anime has a feeling of melancholy and gloominess, but it touches issues like the human-animal relationship and the very real environmental destruction. Although it doesn’t have the stunning CGI’s other Animes seem to have. Wolf’s Rains delivers with clean and smooth animation and art.

As for the music goes the great Yoko Kanno composed most of the songs. She is a true genius. The music fits so well with the anime both beautiful and sorrowful. We also have music from the talented Steve Conte singing and composing the opening song Stray and Heaven’s not Enough.

The characterization is simply awesome for humans and wolves alike. The best thing is that the wolves act like wolves, not like some furry creatures. They make take human form but they are clearly not humans. However the story is not all about the wolves we also have Humans that are key character in the story. Like Cher, she was part of the research and development team in the creation of the Flower Maiden budgeted by the nobles. Quent Yaiden the ex-sheriff from a small town, in a self-proclaimed mission to eradicate wolves from Earth, due to the fact that his town was destroyed by the nobles because some wolves were hiding there, and last but not least Daicia a fallen noble who wants Cheza (the Flower Maiden) to revive and open paradise for himself and his fallen lover.

The movement of the story is good although some times the action slows down but is never boring. There are a few questionable plot elements that come up with the problem of wolves-that-look-like-people, such as when they are required to do something that would obviously require fingers (Open a door), but it's a small gripe and doesn't really detract from the rest of the show.

Wolf’s Rain is absorbing and fascinating, with interesting characters, interesting plot and beautiful music.

It’s a definite watch.


Story: A.

Animation: B+

Art: A-

Music: A

Overall: A

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